Connecting you to clinical research studies that are relevant to you.
This community offers you the opportunity to find out about clinical research studies that are potentially relevant to you.
Joining the community is entirely optional, and you are under no obligation to join a research study.
Clinical research studies are a great way to test new treatments which may benefit you, or others like you, in the future.
Being part of a clinical research study often means you may have more frequent contact with healthcare professional.
You may get access to new therapies or interventions that are not yet available. While there are no guarantees in research, this may improve your health outcomes.
It will not cost you anything apart from your time. You may even receive rewards like Amazon vouchers or book tokens.
Some clinical research studies can be time consuming. You may be expected to attend a number of screenings and follow up sessions.
There may be restrictions on what you can or cannot do during the research study, for example you may be asked to not eat, or drink alcohol, for a period of time.
You may not be given the treatment being assessed. Often participants are given an existing standard treatment or a placebo.
It’s possible you’ll experience side effects from the treatment.
Contacted by my mhealth:
If our team identifies a clinical research study that you may be eligible for, we will reach out to you and make you aware of it.
Data sharing with third parties:
my mhealth will use your information to contact you. We will never share your personal information with another party or research group.
No commitment:
By choosing to be part of the research community, you are agreeing to be told about a clinical research study that may be relevant to you. You are under no obligation to apply for, or take part, in the study.
Withdrawal of consent:
You may withdraw your consent to participate in the research community at any time under ‘my account’ in the my mhealth app.